Friday, April 17, 2020

This is the Day

Thoughts for the Day, April 17, 2020

Most of our lives are not the norm for the moment. Maybe it is an opportunity to try to view each day as an adventure—one that is carefully planned out by your own Personal Guide.  The Psalmist reminds us that each day is valuable, unique and a beautiful gift,  This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it  ( Psalm 118:24).  

Let’s be grateful for this incredible offering of this unrepeated day.  Instead of trying to program it to your will, be attentive to God’s  will and his leading hand. It may not be predictable, but it will be an adventure even in your limited activities. Be willing to follow whatever God has in store for you. You’ll be secure with him leading the way. May you find God’s presence  like never before as He guides you in your journey!

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