Thursday, March 14, 2013

In His Image

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

 I am currently taking a class on Catholic Social Thought. I was really dreading the idea of reading a lot of documents written by dead Popes. But instead, I am enjoying it and it has made me more aware of the importance of each and every person. The fact that we are each created in the image of God is an incredible concept—one that I failed to take serious until recently. I believe understanding the importance of this idea is helping me view people in a different light.

I was in line at Starbucks on Saturday standing behind a group of five teenagers. Two of the boys appeared to be of a European descent, another boy was probably from the Middle East as well as one of the girls. The young lady standing directly in front of me appeared to be of an Asian background. They were having a good time and seemed to be truly enjoying the company of each other. There appeared to be no judgment between them, just friendships… kids being kids. It is funny how children can teach adults so much if they are willing to observe and learn.

Another incident occurred at Ransom Café—a restaurant where you pay what you can.  It was near closing time and a nice gentlemen name Vance came in and asked if we had any groceries left.  We pulled together some food and fixed him a plate to go since the kitchen was closing.  As I was cleaning the front area, he grabbed a table near me. We seemed to hit it off immediately. He started telling me how people really aren’t that different. He cuts yards for a living and he began to tell me how some people that have a lot of material possessions treat him like he is less. He then said, “Ya know there is nothing wrong with having a lot stuff, but when you treat another person less than human because they don’t have much, that is where the problem begins.” And then he said, “Ya know Bill Gates probably wakes up with a back ache just like me and we all have to deal with disease and death, we really aren’t that different.” 

And to that I say, Indeed we are not, let’s start acting like it!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Giants

“We should attack and take the land; we are strong enough to conquer it” (Numbers 13:30b, GNB).

Have you ever considered that GIANTS ARE REAL? They are not something you dream up. No they are problems, pains, pressures and negative self talk. They distract, detour and consume us.

A couple of weeks ago, the Giants took center stage in my life.  I attended a volunteer dinner for Ransom Café. It was a great dinner with talks that focused on the accomplishments achieved by this ministry over the past year. This is an incredible outreach that continues to grow, aiding and assisting many. Instead of leaving this dinner inspired, I left depressed. I looked at my small life and minimal accomplishments for the Kingdom of God and felt sick.

This mind set has actually consumed me for several weeks now. Then I realized that this is exactly what the enemy wants. Like the Israelites I am approaching the Promise Land, yet I am letting the Giants of my mind tell me how impossible it is to overcome the obstacles. These Giants are telling me how useless I am and how little I do for God.

 It has been a somewhat paralyzing state, but today I am going to face those Giants by letting them know that my God is so much bigger than mere giants. I may never accomplish the things that many of my brothers and sisters in Christ do, but I refuse to let the giants win. I am shaking them off and saying quit draining me and distracting me from everything God intends for me to be and do for HIM.
