Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Entertaining Angels

It was a mild and inviting summer evening in Atlanta so my sister and her daughter decided to enjoy dinner in a charming patio area outside a quaint cafĂ©. They were enjoying  dinner in a music-filled courtyard while waiting for my great-niece and a friend who were attending a concert just several blocks away.
As they were eating, they were approached by a homeless couple. The woman said, “We are hungry.” My sister explained that she had no cash on hand, but insisted they join them for dinner. The patio was filled with 40-50 people who were clearly puzzled when seeing the new, shabbily dressed visitors take a seat. The manager began heading toward the table with a bewildered look, but my niece waved him off. My sister then requested menus for the two guests that were joining them. The gentlemen insisted that the restaurant was too pricy and that an entire meal at Subway was less than $6.00. After some persuasion, my sister ensured them that it was fine and to order whatever they would like. She was a little tight with funds on her debit card, but my sister never made it known, instead she focused on enjoying the company of the two strangers.
The couple explained that they were from Biloxi and moved to Atlanta where they now reside in places he renovates when he is fortunate enough to get work and in abandoned buildings when he is not. They apologized if they smelled, but bathing is not always an option when living on the streets. They talked about the commonality of their faith and before leaving said that they knew they would all meet again in heaven. They repeatedly thanked my sister and niece, said their goodbyes and left with a bag of leftovers.
After a fashion my sister asked for her check. The waitress returned saying, “The bill had been paid in full because someone had seen you bless the lives of the destitute twosome and wanted to return the blessing.” I believe this is an example of what Jesus was telling us when he said, “Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the same one that God will use for you"  (Luke 6:38 GNB).
