Thursday, April 16, 2020

Count Your Many Blessings

Thoughts for the Day April 16, 2020

I love what Max Lucado says about gratitude, “Gratitude always leaves us looking to God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up.” 

Studies show grateful individuals experience more positive emotion, are more satisfied with life, and experience fewer negative emotions including depression, anxiety and envy. Yesterday, I especially made an effort to be more mindful of my blessings. My youngest daughter was down for a short visit from Birmingham and she wanted to cook a special dish to take to her boyfriend. We determined that blackberry cobbler was that dish. Steve took us to his secret spot and the three of us picked blackberries until it was practically dark—something I haven’t done with either of them since she was a kid. I was grateful for the extra time I had to go blackberry picking, I was thankful for both of them, I was appreciative for this delicious fruit that grows wild, I was thankful for the sunset and the wind. I even began to thank God for this time  of limited activities.  

Focusing on what we do have  right now and less on what we don’t, seems to be a key source toward a life of contentment. The Psalmist says, “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving” (Psalms 69:30). I challenge us each to take a moment to look at our blessings: Our family, friends, talents, abilities, skills…the love of God! Let the words of an old song linger in your mind as you go about your day, “Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,  and you will keep singing as the day goes by. Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done!”
Have a marvelous day as you count your many blessings!

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