Sunday, April 19, 2020


Good morning,

What a blessing it is to come together to worship. And while we are not  physically together,  may we join in spirit. Today’s Scripture reading makes a bold claim; The peace of God, the divine love that is our refuge and our strength,  can never be taken from us. Even when we doubt, as Thomas did, we are challenged to embrace the good news of our imperishable inheritance. And furthermore, it is our calling to share it with those in our generation. What a great opportunity to  share His love in our  world that stands in the midst of confusion and uncertainty. 

Let us pray that God can use us as his light in this time of darkness. May He breathe new life into us this day and awaken our spirits to the joy and hope of our glorious inheritance through the living Christ. May we live out the Easter promise and may His presence flow  from us in our living and our loving. In His  precious Son’s name. Amen. 

Please click on the link for today’s message.

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