Monday, December 7, 2020



Thoughts for the Day December 7, 2020

I’ll never forget this  beautiful spring day when our  sixth grade class went outside to play kickball. There were two team captains selecting their teammates. I was not the first or the second chosen—but the last. I felt as if I was not chosen at all. 

The good news is God chose us! We are reminded of that in the passage we looked at yesterday:

“Here is my servant, whom I uphold my chosen, in whom my soul delights” (Isaiah 42:1a).

We are indeed chosen—it may have been when water was poured over your head during baptism. You might have felt God’s choice when you decided to stop running from God and to be open to God’s loving forgiveness. No matter when or where or even how, God chose you!

How wonderful it is to know that God will use all of us together to do His kingdom work. We praise God during this Advent season as we come together in service and prepare the world for the coming of our Lord!

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