Monday, October 8, 2012

Faith Produces Amazing Things

Christian Medical Ministry of South Alabama
“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NAB).

I shared my concerns with a friend that a miracle was needed in order to solve my situation. A few days after our initial conversation, she called to reassure me that through faith God would answer our prayers regarding this issue. She began to tell me about the miracles and the ways God came through in the life of George Muller who lived in the 1800’s in England and was an Evangelist and Director of the Ashley Down Orphanage (“The Bristol Miracle” 1).

She told me a story of Muller’s orphanage that was often without money or food. One day the children lined up for breakfast and Muller thanked God for the food they were about to eat, but there was nothing in the pantry. The cupboard was empty. Upon finishing the prayer, there was a knock at the door and the local baker appeared. Evidently he had been awakened by a dream the night before and was told by God to bring bread to the orphanage. He left enough for the week. In addition, a milk truck had broken down and gave all the milk to the orphanage because it would otherwise spoil before the truck could be fixed.

As we were discussing this amazing 200 year-old-story, a miracle was happening at the very moment of our conversation. My daughter and her husband were planning a ten-day mission trip to Honduras and I was unaware that they still had not raised enough for the trip. Not long after I hung up the phone, my daughter called and said, “We have all the money we need for the upcoming mission trip.”

That very afternoon, my daughter was out for a run in her neighborhood and randomly bumped into the director of the trip who lived near her. He asked if they had raised enough money to go and she replied, “We are $345.00 short.”  He said, “Not anymore! One of the other couples went over by $350.00, so you’re set to go.”

The friend I had been talking with is my son-in-law’s mother. While we were discussing the faith and miracles of George Muller, a miracle and blessing was occurring that affected the lives of both of our children. This was not the situation I had called her about, but I saw it as reminder that God is still in charge, offering miracles right where they are needed.


“The Bristol Miracle.” Muller’s. Web. 29 May 2012.

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