Friday, May 22, 2020


Thoughts for the Day, May 22, 2020

1 Samuel 18 1. After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return to his father's house. 3. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.

In giving us a picture of what it means to be a close friend, Jonathan often spoke of his appreciation for David. Even though placed in the awkward position  of having to go between his father, Saul and his friend, David, Jonathan never backed off from his pledge of friendship. He made a verbal covenant with David, promising to be his close companion for life. 

The toughest part about the coronavirus is that is put all of our church activities to a screeching halt. Friendships are precious and are built during times of togetherness: studying  God’s word over coffee during Sunday school, laughing together at lunch after Wednesday prayer service, sharing  recipes after enjoying a bowl of cobbler on Wednesday night during Bible study,   joking next to a frying pan filled with bacon before the men’s breakfast, celebrating birthdays during a ladies luncheon,  or watching the children sing and dance during VBS. 

Once you don’t have these times you realize how  very special they really are. We often see these times as part of our daily routine until we no longer have them. The next time you reflect on how much  you enjoy your  church friend’s company, or how much you miss them when they’re not around, or how much you respect and appreciate that friend—tell them—it may mean the world to them. 

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