Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Laughter is Good Medicine!

Thoughts for the Day May 6, 2020

My dad is very sick and we are sad that he likely has little time with us, yet laughter in the middle of dark days seems to help take some of the anguish away. Yesterday we talked with him about old times and a few chuckles through it all seemed to take away some of the throbbing pain we were all feeling deep down. 

 I wholeheartedly believe the words from Proverbs that tell us “A Cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bones”  (Proverbs 17:22). We find that laughter can help lighten the load. I imagine it rises to heavenly places. I believe that God rejoices when we trust Him enough to enjoy life and laugh. 

Aren’t we blessed that God  is with us in good times and bad. We sure don’t want to miss the joy of His Presence by trying to carry the weight of  the world on our shoulders. Today, let’s lean on Him and  learn to laugh more freely! Have a blessed day!

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