Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Changing Criticism Into Prayer

Thoughts for the Day May 26, 2020

Good morning,
There is no question that there is plenty to complain about in these trying days: our leadership, empty grocery  store shelves, conflicting  news reports and more. But fault finding just breeds more negativity. When we begin to fall into this trap, let’s ask God to alert us to  turn every criticism into a prayer of intercession for the person or problem of concern. Let’s pray for our leaders to seek  and follow godly counsel,  for the manufacturers and retailers to have access and increase,  and  for the media to research and share accurate reporting. Let’s ask God to turn our criticism into prayer. This will not only help us stop when we start being critical, it turns negative thoughts into positive action. May we pray like the Psalmist, “Have mercy upon us, O Lord…for we are exceedingly filled with contempt” (Psalm 123:3). May we also remember the words of Mother Teresa, “I am learning that ‘God’s gift of Himself’ squeezes most of the contempt and criticism out of my heart.” Let us pray for God to turn our habit of criticism into a habit of praying . Have a blessed day!

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