Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Prayer Can Be Transforming

Thoughts for the Day June 17, 2020

It is a funny thing how prayer can change our day—how it can transform us. Yesterday, I was at a restaurant waiting on my order. There were some 10 people or so ordering and waiting as well. They were different ages, races, and sex. As I stood there waiting, it was as if God said, “use this time wisely and pray for all of these strangers.” As I intently looked at each one I  wondered what their life story was and if they had  ever been introduced to the gospel story. As I glanced at each, one more time,  I was reminded that each and everyone of us is  special to God…we are  created in His image: 

         “So God created mankind in his own image,
         In the image of God he created them;
         Male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

When my number was called and I received my food and it was time to depart, instead of impatiently gasping in relief at finally receiving my order, I was refreshed and renewed as my time with God enabled me to see others in a new light.  It is a funny thing how prayer can change our life—how it can transform us!

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