Monday, October 22, 2012

Bad Habits

  I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (Rom7:15 NIV)

For the past several weeks Michele has been doing all the writing.  First because Husband and I were away on a trip, but for the last month because I have been too lazy to write anything.  That failure on my part to contribute to the blog is best summed up by Paul’s lament that he does not do what is good for him but persists in doing what is not good for him.

We all share in that tendency to know what good habits we should be practicing any yet we continue to engage in unhealthy habits.  For example, when I get up in the morning I take my cup of coffee and head to my computer where I waste several hours playing online games.  My heart tells me I should be doing something productive, either physically (walking outside) or spiritually (going to Mass or at least some spiritual reading) but I persist in my unhealthy addiction to Facebook games.

I have managed to discover two websites for my iPhone and iPad that are free of charge and are helping turn bad habits into good ones.  Loyola Press has website that includes apps for smart phones and tablets that is entitled  3 Minute Retreat.  It includes simple meditations that are appropriate for any Christian.  I generally go to it just before I go to sleep at night.  The second app is very Catholic.  It is called Laudate and it includes the daily Mass readings, the Liturgy of the Hours and many Catholic prayers.  I have taken to reading at least the morning prayers.  

These are both new habits I am working to develop.  I highly recommend using these electronic gizmos to strengthen our relationship with the Lord.


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